Cuda Parts Washer & Cleaners
The Cuda parts washer and automatic, aqueous parts washer are essential for businesses that need to clean engine parts or remove debris from machinery components efficiently. Industries such as automotive repair, metalworking, machinery, and aerospace rely heavily on these washers for their ability to expedite cleaning processes. By utilizing aqueous-based cleaning solutions, automatic parts washers significantly reduce the time required for technicians and service staff to perform their duties, leading to increased productivity.
Royce Industries’ automatic parts washers use powerful jets of hot water and special detergents to remove grease, oil, rust, and debris more effectively than hand scrubbing. With a variety of front-loading, top-loading, and immersion models, technicians can load parts, set the cleaning cycle, and focus on other tasks. Investing in an automatic parts washer enhances operational efficiency and reduces labor costs, making it a valuable addition to any business.

2412 Top-Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer
A robust starter machine. Cuda’s 2412 series of parts washers is an attractive entry-level top-load aqueous parts washer. At only 35 inches wide, the Cuda 2412 Series parts washer has a 250-lb. load capacity, and a 24 inch turntable diameter. While boasting Cuda Series durability, it has a 1/2 HP mechanical seal with flush tube style pump and an upper drive arm that rotates the turntable. The 115V models make the 2412 especially versatile for use anywhere in the shop.
• Ideal for replacing sink on drum solvent tanks
• Small engine repair
• General light duty auto repair

2530 Front-Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer
A mighty mini that is practically effortless. The Cuda 2530 is the smallest in the front-load automatic parts washer models and is more compact than many solvent tanks. Featuring a turntable diameter of 25-inches, working height of 30-inches, and load capacity of 500 lbs. The 2530 Series is equipped with a 3 HP vertical seal-less pump producing 50 GPM at 45 PSI. The Cuda 2530 front load aqueous parts washer is used in many applications from trucking and automotive to amusement parks and ski areas.
• Ideal for auto dealers and repair facilities with less than 7 techs
• Low volume transmission and diesel repair
• Many other applications from amusement parks to ski areas.

2840 Front-Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer
A step up in compact parts washing capability. The Cuda 2840 is the next step up in the compact front-load automatic parts washer models. The 2840 features a turntable diameter of 28-inches, working height of 40-inches, and load capacity of 1000 lbs. The 2840 Series is equipped with a 3 HP vertical seal-less pump producing 50 GPM at 45 PSI.
• Ideal for larger auto dealers and repair shops
• Higher volume transmission and diesel repair shops
• Smaller loader tractor implement dealers.

2848 Front-Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer
Cleans large parts as easy as small. The Cuda 2848 features a turntable diameter of 28-inches, working height of 48-inches, and load capacity of 1000 lbs. The 2848 Series is equipped with a 5 HP vertical seal-less pump producing 110 GPM at 50 PSI.
• Ideal for OTR truck and diesel repair facilities
• 6 cylinder diesel engines
• Implement dealers with larger 4-wheel drive tractors.

3648 Front-Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer
Simply immaculate a yard at a time. The Cuda 3648 features a turntable diameter of 36-inches, working height of 48-inches, and load capacity of 2500 lbs. The 3648 Series is equipped with a 7.5 HP vertical seal-less pump producing 150 GPM at 50 PSI, and has a 113-gallon sump capacity. It also includes upgraded features such as a more durable control panel, easier to replace handle, stainless steel sump covers, and external plumbing making it the easiest to maintain Cuda yet!
• Ideal for large OTR diesel repair shops
• Large implement dealers
• Construction equipment repair, and engine rebuilders.

4860 Front-Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer
Turn the tables on dirt. The Cuda 4860 features a turntable diameter of 48-inches, working height of 60-inches, and load capacity of 5000 lbs. The 4860 Series is equipped with a 7.5 HP vertical seal-less pump producing 200 GPM at 50 PSI, and has a 156-gallon sump capacity. Aqueous parts washers clean faster and better without using harmful solvents!
• Ideal for large engine rebuilders
• Large diesel OTR truck repair and dealers
• Construction equipment repair
• Large implement dealers

7248 Front-Load Automatic Aqueous Parts Washer
A behemoth by any standard. Cuda’s 7248 features a large 72-inch turntable diameter, allowing users to clean a wide range of industrial components. Its working height stands at 48-inches, and it boasts a load capacity of 5000 lbs. The 7248 series is equipped with a 7.5 HP vertical seal-less pump producing 160 GPM at 45 PSI, and has a 200-gallon sump capacity.
• Ideal for heavy duty cleaning
• Oil and gas industry tools and BOP’s
• High volume engine rebuilding
• Railroads and large manufacturing
Get in Touch
If you have questions or need quotes, installation, parts or advice, contact the Royce Industries professional sales & service team. With 35 years experience, our staff is ready, willing and more than qualified to assist you with your cleaning, construction, rail car or equipment needs.
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